South Harborcreek United Methodist Youth is our student ministry for those in 6th-12th grade. We meet on Sunday nights from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. to hang out, play goofy games, listen to music, worship our God and be challenged by God's Word. It is a safe place to grow in your faith, not be judged, and learn what it takes to be different from what the world offers. We also have special events throughout the year which include: service projects, weekend retreats, overnighters, summer mission trips, awesome summer events, Bible studies, and outreach events for students. Won't you give SHUMY a try???!!!
If you need more information, you can like us on Facebook (SHUMY) and/or you can call the Student Ministry Directory, Sue Fuller: (814) 969-1649 or contact Sue by e-mail below.