If you have any questions about Christian Education at South Harborcreek United Methodist Church contact us!

Seventh thru Twelfth

The youth, seventh thru twelfth grades are learning how to live a Christian life through the principles in Galatians and Corinthians. They also meet on Sunday evenings for youth group.

First thru Sixth Grade

First thru sixth learn the basics of the Bible from A to Z. They learn what it is and how to use it to learn the word of God.

Preschool to Kindergarten

Preschool thru kindergarten learn about God's love for them through wonderful character based stories, songs, games, art, and science, and just plain fun.

Children's Sunday School

Sunday school is available every Sunday for grades pre-school through 5th grade. It is scheduled concurrently with worship. The entire congregation gathers together at 10:00 am for the beginning of worship. After opening parts of the worship and children's message, children are invited to go to their Sunday School classes downstairs. Here they learn of God's plan for the world through Bible lessons with a variety of age-appropriate games, activities and songs.  Lessons focus on children building a relationship with God so they learn to grow in Christ. On the 5th Sunday of any given month, children in all classes are gathered together for a fun day of activity in the fellowship hall or outdoors (weather permitting). Classes conclude around the end of  worship.


Children are always welcome to remain in worship if families choose to continue worshiping together..

Church Nursery

The church nursery is a loving, safe environment providing child care for infants and toddlers (to age 3) before and during worship services starting at 9:45 a.m.  Adults and teens that serve in the nursery are required to follow the safe Sanctuary policy and have their clearances.

If you are interested in serving in the nursery, please contact Laura Dougan.