Directions to South Harborcreek United Methodist Church in Erie

From Interstate 90

(Exit 35 Harborcreek)

At the end of the ramp, turn north towards the Travel Port Truck Stop on PA 531 North (Depot Road.

Bear to the right on the first road across from the truck stop (Davison Road).

McGill Road is the first road to the left. The church will be on the left.

From U.S. Route 20

Look for Harborcreek High School. At the blinking light near the school, turn south on PA 531 (Depot Road)

Turn left on McGill Road, the third road to the left. (There will be a large church sign at the intersection).

Travel approximately 1 mile. The church will be on the right.

South Harborcreek United Methodist Church in Erie, PA

7929 McGill Road Erie PA 16421 us

+1 814 899-5962

Reach Out to South Harborcreek