We welcome you to ‘check-us-out’ on the web-page, but even more to visit us for a Sunday service.  Sunday Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary.  There are many other classes, activities, events, and opportunities to serve and to be served throughout the week.  If you would rather call, the church number is 814-899-5962 and e-mail is SHUMHH@aol.com. 

If we can be an encouragement or help to you, please let us know.

With God’s love and care, blessings,

The People of South Harborcreek  UMC

Welcome to South Harborcreek!

Thank you for visiting South Harborcreek United Methodist’s web-page.

SHUMC prays that it is a church that extends the love and grace of God, through Jesus Christ and the enabling power of the Holy Spirit to its spheres of influence near and far, certainly amongst its fellowship, its community, Harborcreek, North East & Greene Township, its region throughout the tri-state area and beyond, even around the world.

The people of SHUMC love God and pray to know Him more; to help one another to know and live according to the Christian faith as it is taught and exemplified by Jesus and the Holy Bible.

We believe that God’s prevailing love and grace is at work in our world to extend the goodness of God’s ways to the people and the world in which we all live.  As children of God and beneficiaries of His love, we to want to help one another and our world to be a better place. Therefore, we want to be a place and people that reflect the presence of God in our lives. We want to encourage one another to grow in our faith and trust in God and to be the people that God wants us to be; to be helpers and encouragers so that the world may be a better place because of God’s love expressed in and through each of us.